Unfortunately this is the kind of product you get when you let nostalgia override you quality judgment. 'I' Love the 16 Bit Era, and all the amazing unique games we got out of it. What I don't particularly enjoy is a shoddy 'Quiz Style' game that really isn't a game as much as it is a Thumbnail Labeling System. Google tried doing this with their Image Search at one point only they didn't pretend it was a game.
I would have likely given this game a little more credit had the interface been even a 'little' better implemented. As it is, you go from needing to type in an answer to having to use the mouse to submit, which is just horrendous design. There is no excuse for not including Basic Keyboard Navigation at the least.
On top of that the 'Game' feels 'Clunky' for lack of a better word. Every other screen includes an ad, and while I completely understand the desire to monetize one's product, the delay between submitting an answer, getting the result, and moving on to the next question is hampered by the required mouse selections which draws even more attention to the ads... :? It's also very telling that in the Game Description the User is asking for Sponsors...
Overall I think that if this was an experiment by someone unfamiliar with game creation it would be an understandable step... but looking at even the last title created by this user I can see that the clunky feel is just poor design, and not due to a lack of ability, which is more upsetting. I am frankly surprised that this title made it to the Front Page, a decision I can only assume was due to Nostalgia more than the quality of the Title.
As a Suggestion, if you are genuinely trying to create a compelling experience (And not just slapping something together in the hopes of making some kind of ad revenue) I would take the time to smooth out the User Experience. If you require heavy keyboard use, ensure that your title is Navigable via the Keyboard.